We give the best in entertainment on the web. We have a product that enables you to surf the web, work online in total privacy.
For business it means being able to have information you want kept private, private. (Fantastic)  For personal use you can chat, surf and watch movies all long in total privacy.

Have we stopped there? NO!
We have glasses that sync with your monitor.
When you get up and walk away,It shuts the monitor off. When you return,
Hit the enter key on your keyboard and your monitor turns back on!
Patent applied for!
Comming Soon..........
DVD Players
For those of you who have seen this before you’ll appreciate what we have accomplished.  The Loss of color, poor contrast and the tweaking of pixels. Solved!  Our monitors are perfect to view, perfect to work on.
I have a Monitor I want converted.
Home Page
We give the best in entertainment on the web. We have a product that enables you to surf the web, work online in total privacy.
For business it means being able to have information you want kept private, private. (Fantastic)  For personal use you can chat, surf and watch movies all long in total privacy.

For those of you who have seen this before you’ll appreciate what we have accomplished.  The Loss of color, poor contrast and the tweaking of pixels. Solved!  Our monitors are perfect to view, perfect to work on.
Have we stopped there? NO! We have glasses that sync with your monitor.
When you get up and walk away, It shuts the monitor off. When you return,
Hit the enter key on your keyboard and your monitor turns back on!
Patent applied for!
Comming Soon..........